Greetings from the President of the House of Councillors

SEKIGUCHI Masakazu President of the House of Councillors

The Diet is the highest organ of state power, and is the sole law-making organ of the State. In this respect, the House of Councillors is involved in a wide variety of activities, which include but not limited to deliberating bills, budgets, and treaties as well as investigating a wide range of issues related to national politics, exchange with foreign parliaments, and participation in international conferences.

The House of Councillors is not subject to dissolution, and its members serve six-year terms of office, which enables them to adopt a long-term perspective and to make effective use of the unique characteristics of the House in dealing with national policy issues.

This website provides its visitors with a diverse range of information designed to help deepen understanding and interest in the activities of the House of Councillors. This includes basic information on the National Diet, brief profiles of each member of the House, and information on proposed reforms as well as descriptions and the results achieved by various activities undertaken by House members. Visitors can also watch live streams of plenary sittings and committee deliberations. We hope that you will put the information available on this website to good use.

The House of Councillors strives to fulfill the mission of and the roles expected of a “chamber of wisdom” and a “chamber of reconsideration,” while doing its utmost to respond to mandates handed down by the people.

House of Councillors